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Environmental issues and sensitivities have been a key consideration in determining the preferred solution, particularly given the proximity of the wetlands and salt lakes, people’s homes and accessibility.

The very scale, nature and location of the project means that some impact is inevitable, however measures that minimise or offset many of these exist and are detailed within the Project Impact Report.

Key among the environmental sensitivities are:

  1. fauna
  2. flora
  3. land use, socio-economic impact
  4. noise and vibration during construction and operation and
  5. water quality


Valuing heritage is important. Key heritage considerations for this project, which is in the native title claim area of the Kaurna Peoples and adjacent to the native title claim are of the Ramindjeri, include the potential for damage, disturbance or interference with aboriginal sites, object and remains [link to exec summary section].

With one state listed place identified within the vicinity of the project – the Dry Creek Explosives Magazine and Earth Mounds – the heritage of post-European settlement is important too. A number of non-listed sites are also within the project area and as for all sensitive sites consideration of activities near these is assured, likewise appropriate approvals would be sought.


On Monday 14 September 2015, the Australian and South Australian Governments announced a joint funding allocation of $985 million ($788 and $197 million respectively) to deliver the road component of the Northern Connector project by 2019/20.

Local access

Given the Northern Connector would pass through established residential and commercial areas impact to the existing road network is expected, particularly for the area north of Bolivar where east-west routes would be cut: Symes Road, Anjanto Road, St Kilda Road and Summer Road.

Alternative arrangements would ensure that access to homes, businesses and recreation areas was available. In addition, a number of local roads would be upgraded to better meet changed traffic requirements.

Property acquisition

About 40 per cent of the proposed Northern Connector is already government owned land, with property acquisition required in some locations for the project to be constructed.

The Department’s land acquisition process for road construction is bound by the Highways Act 1926 and the Land Acquisition Act 1969. These Acts protect the rights of individuals affected by acquisition and articulate the process.

The Department will consult with all impacted parties as the project moves into its delivery phase. If impacted, the Department will contact you to negotiate:

  1. an owner initiated settlement
    This is where the owner and Department willingly enter negotiations to reach agreement about the sale of the property. This process can start at any time once the project’s land requirements are finalised and enables early resolution.
  2. a compulsory acquisition
    This process starts when the Minister for Transport formally approves the project corridor and the Commissioner of Highways determines the land required. Once the compulsory acquisition process has started, the Department must negotiate a final agreement.

If you have been informed or believe that your property may be impacted and would like to talk to someone from the project team, please call the Northern Connector information line on 1300 916 221. Alternatively, for more information about the land acquisition process, please refer to the attached Fact Sheet.